Special Blends

NPK 15:20:20 + TE

NPK 23:10:5 + TE

NPK 23:10:6 + TE

NPK 11:22:21 + TE

NPK 23:11:11 + TE


  • NPK 15:20:20 (for vegetables, production flower induction and root establish and fruit production)
  • NPK 23:10:5 (for cereal production high concentration of nitrogen)
  • NPK 23:10:6 (For cereal production)
  • NPK 11:22:21 + TE (For the production of vegetables due to its high concentration in phosphorous its used for the Ghanaian soil and also for root tubers)
  • NPK 23:11:11(For cereal production like maize, millet also used a starter for vegetables.


  • Blends are specifically made for the various ecological zones in Ghana depending on soil nutritional requirements through soil testing

General Information

All formulations are blended based on soil and crop specification

Application: Side placement, ring application and fertilizer deep placement

Compatibility: Compatible with other chemicals eg other foliar fertilizers

Packaging: 50kg bag

Storage: Cool and dry facilities

Appearance: Greyish, reddish and pinkish depending on raw materials used
