Press Statement OMNIFERT

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As Ghana takes strides towards revitalizing its agriculture sector, which holds great promise for inclusive pro-poor growth, agri-chemicals and agro-businesses will play an even more important role in accelerating the process and maximizing efforts.

Ghana’s agriculture and livestock sector account for approximately 23-30 percent of national GDP. With close to 50% of the economically active population dependent on agriculture, the sector’s potential remains under-utilized and could be a driving force in achieving the country’s economic goals.

Established in 2015, Omnifert undertakes the important task of providing data on types of soils and the state of farm lands across countries, especially in West Africa, and provides industry players and governments a way of measuring and comparing their progress towards stronger agribusiness sectors. At our blending facility, we blend Nitrogen, Phosphate, Potash and other micronutrients into NPK fertilizers, which research establishes as one of the best formulas for boosting yield while taking into account environmental issues.

Omnifert, is committed to supporting Ghana’s authorities in building a strong agro-industrialization sector. Our goal is to do anything that it takes to change the lives of the millions of people who depend partly or fully on agriculture for their livelihoods.

Omnifert has strengthened the information base for policy dialogue and reform through its soil testing and research work thus leading to an increase in profitability for farmers and creating economic prosperity for all.


Omnifert, sprung out of Omni Energy Ltd, which has been a leading provider of Engineering and Value Added Oilfield Support Services in the Oil and Gas industry for over 10 years. At Omnifert, we transform chemicals for a sustainable future. We combine economic success with environmental protection and social responsibility. Our locally based state-of-the art fertilizer-blending facility is unique in the industry and is a result of the premium we place on improving the crop production of Africa. Omnifert’s approach is not only about providing affordable and quality fertilizers to farmers, but focused on providing the right specifications of fertilizer according to the soil and crop types. By doing this, our company demonstrates its commitment to improving agricultural productivity, incomes and employment opportunities in Ghana as well as other West African countries.